The Gage Store
UN Right Hand Thread Rings Go/NoGo 2A & 3A

UN Left Hand Thread Rings Go/NoGo 2A & 3A

UNJ Right Hand Thread Rings Go/NoGo(Aero/Mil/Govt-SAE AS8879)

UNJ Left Hand Thread Ring Go/NoGo (Mil/Govt/Aero-SAE AS8879)

Thread Ring Setting Plugs UN &UNJ Right & Left Hand

UN Right Hand Thread Plugs Go/NoGo

UN Left Hand Thread Plugs Go/NoGo

UNJ Right Hand Thread Plugs Go/NoGo (Aero/Mil/Govt-SAE AS8879)

UNJ Left Hand Thread Plugs Go/NoGo (Aero/Mil/Govt.-SAE AS8879)

Metric Go/NoGo Thread Plugs & Rings / RH& LH

True Position Gauges & Thread Measuring Wires,

Thread Gage Certifications Long Form

Pipe Thread Gages,NPT, NPTF, NPSM, NPSF & ANPT

Helicoil / STI Style Thread Gages

Hex Gages, Master Plugs & Long Length

Plain Ring Gages & Masters Go/NoGo

Plain Plug Gauges Go/NoGo Assemblies

Pin Gages & Sets

Disc Style Master Gages

Drill & Reamer Blanks

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Custom Thread Gauges

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Ordering gages on the site is quite easy and you only have to select the gages you require click order or place in your shopping cart while looking for other gaging products or measurement solutions. If you don't want to use the automated checkout and simply want to fax us or e mail us your list of gages we will gladly respond with a formal quote. Shopping online at The Gage Store is as easy as point and click and purchase. We use shopping cart technology to keep track of what you select on each shopping trip. You can add or delete products as you go or just before you check out. Online shopping at The Gage Store is fast, convenient and safe, and allows us to keep prices low. We know you'll enjoy it!

Choose a product - or just browse around!
Search our selection for specific products
Place your order online
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Purchase your selections via credit card
Accepted Credit Cards

Choose a product - or just browse around!
If you know the exact gage manufacturer's product code number you are looking for, use the search feature at the top right corner of each page to enter this code number. If you are unsure of the exact product code number, but you know the generic product name or application reference, you may use the Advanced Search selection shown at the top of the product category menu on the left side of the page and then browse that section of the store. Remember, the more complete the information you enter in the Advanced Search, the quicker more defined product selection returned! Or simply follow the Three (3) [(1. Application or logical product Family), (2. Sub- group of products within a family) and in some cases (Sub-Sub-group within the family)] distinct pull down menus to browse and select a product until something catches your eye!

When you see the gage or inspection product you are interested in featured on a page, click on the name to see photos and if available, more detailed information. Some products have additional pop up selection guides or more information pages that can be displayed by clicking on these headings. This additional information is only available after you have clicked on the main name of a product and the associated individual product page is displayed. Not all products have pictures but we have tried to associate at least one graphic with all major products. 

You can choose to add an item to your shopping cart any time you see a "Add to cart" button. This button will put the product into your "shopping cart," with your other chosen items (if any). The Gage Store will remember your shopping cart contents until you "checkout" or delete any of the items from your cart.

Search our selection for specific products
The Gage Store features many of today's most popular products at value-packed prices. But of course, only so much information can fit on one web page! So if you already know what you want, search for it by name using the box on the left at the top of every page. Using this feature, you can supply a product keyword or even a application keyword. Your search will produce a list of possible matches with links to more indepth product information for each.

Place your order online
After you have selected the items you want, choose "Your Cart" from any section of our online store. From here, you can see a list of every item you have chosen. This page will also allow you to add items just in case you think of something else you need before you check out, or delete items, should you change your mind.

Once you have all the items you want listed in your shopping cart, choose "Check Out." This will take you to the The Gage Store checkout page, where you will be asked to provide the information necessary to process your order request. Provide the information requested so that we can process your order. Click "Continue" to proceed.

You will be shown a "Confirm and Submit Order" page, listing all the details of your The Gage Store order. Please review this information carefully. You may choose any item that is not correct to change that information. Return to your checkout form or your shopping cart via the links provided to make any adjustments to your order. When you have ensured that all the information is accurate, click "Submit Order."

Choose shipping options
Your shipping time begins once the carrier picks up your order from our warehouse. Please note that all times are quoted in business days.

Please be aware that the shipping companies who serve The Gage Store do not deliver products on weekends or holidays. Shipping charges are based on the packaged weight of the item (s) you purchase and the level of service you select. 

Purchase your selections via credit card
Before you submit your order, you will be shown an order confirmation that includes the items you intend to purchase as well as shipping charges and tax if applicable, (remember to fill out the tax exempt section to eliminate sales tax if your purchase qualifies). Once you submit your order, you will receive an email acknowledging that we have received your order request confirming your order contents, your ship-to address, your bill to address if different from the ship to address and our internal order number for tracking.

Because security is crucial when ordering online, we invite you to visit our section on Store Security to review how The Gage Store protects its customers.

Accepted Credit Cards
We accept most major credit cards including: VISA, MasterCard and American Express.

Using your credit card to purchase online can help us speed up order processing and confirmation of your order.

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