The Gage Store
UN Right Hand Thread Rings Go/NoGo 2A & 3A

UN Left Hand Thread Rings Go/NoGo 2A & 3A

UNJ Right Hand Thread Rings Go/NoGo(Aero/Mil/Govt-SAE AS8879)

UNJ Left Hand Thread Ring Go/NoGo (Mil/Govt/Aero-SAE AS8879)

Thread Ring Setting Plugs UN &UNJ Right & Left Hand

UN Right Hand Thread Plugs Go/NoGo

UN Left Hand Thread Plugs Go/NoGo

UNJ Right Hand Thread Plugs Go/NoGo (Aero/Mil/Govt-SAE AS8879)

UNJ Left Hand Thread Plugs Go/NoGo (Aero/Mil/Govt.-SAE AS8879)

Metric Go/NoGo Thread Plugs & Rings / RH& LH

True Position Gauges & Thread Measuring Wires,

Thread Gage Certifications Long Form

Pipe Thread Gages,NPT, NPTF, NPSM, NPSF & ANPT

Helicoil / STI Style Thread Gages

Hex Gages, Master Plugs & Long Length

Plain Ring Gages & Masters Go/NoGo

Plain Plug Gauges Go/NoGo Assemblies
  Trilock ZZ Class Go/NoGo Assembly .76-6.01" (19.3-152.65mm)
  Trilock Z Class Go/NoGo Assembly .76-6.01" (19.3-152.65mm)
  Trilock Y Class Go/NoGo Assembly .76-6.01" (19.3-152.65mm)
  Trilock XX Class Go/NoGo Asembly .76-6.01" (19.3-152.65mm)
  Trilock X Class Go/NoGo Assembly .76-6.01" (19.3-152.65mm)
  Taperlock ZZ Class Go/NoGo Assembly.1050-1.51" (2.67-38.35mm)
  Taperlock Z Class Go/NoGo Assembly.1050-1.51" (2.67-38.35mm)
  Taperlock Y Class Go/NoGo Assembly .1050-1.51" (2.67-38.35mm)
  Taperlock XX Class Go/NoGo Assembly .1050-1.51" (2.67-38.35mm)
  Reversible ZZ Class Go/NoGo Assembly .015"-1.01",(.39-25.65mm)
  Reversible Z Class Go/NoGo Assembly .015"-1.01",(.39-25.65mm)
  Reversible Y Class Go/NoGo Assembly .015"-1.01",(.39-25.65mm)
  Reversible XX Class Go-NoGo Assembly .015"-1.01",(.39-25.65mm)
  Reversible X Class Go/NoGo Assembly .015"-1.01",(.39-25.65mm)
  Plug Gage Chrome
  Economy Go-No/Go ZZ Gageplugs
  Single Ended Go or NoGo plug gage assemblies

Pin Gages & Sets

Disc Style Master Gages

Drill & Reamer Blanks

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Custom Thread Gauges

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Use Scroll Bar to the right side of the page to scroll down to see all the product choices.

This category contains all standard Go-No/Go Plug gage Assemblies offered.
First: Look at the headings in the column to the left.
Determine if you are looking for a specific class of plug.
Determine the size of plug you require

The plugs are shown as an assembly with a single member mounted to a handle.
You will need to find the size "Range" that brackets your requirement and select it.
We have additional choices for plugs requiring longer length or Chrome plated plugs if required. An Economy grade plug is also available that does not go through the additional steps of cold stabilization after heat treatment that the standard plugs go through. These economy plugs are only available in class ZZ grade.
If you need help we will be pleased to review your part prints or requirements and advise you of the best choice(s).

Mfr: As Indicated
Price: $0.00
Quantity in Basket: none
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